Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Unit

The granular activated carbon system absorbs radon and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the well water. When water containing high concentrations of radon is passed through a bed of activated carbon the radon is absorbed onto the carbon, thereby affecting a separation of radon from the water. When used appropriately, properly installed and maintained regularly, it will yield approximately 90%+/- radon reduction. The EPA recommends that this system only be used when radon in water content is less than 10,000 pCi/L. When carbon becomes fully loaded with the contaminant it can no longer adsorb. For this reason, it is necessary to service GAC systems by changing tanks. The rebed of the carbon tank used in a GAC system must be serviced to help ensure that the system will continue to reduce water radon concentrations to target levels. This also safeguards against possible contaminant buildup on the carbon tanks.

Granular Activated Carbon

What is Radon?

Radon occurs naturally in the air both inside and outside your home. It is the concentration level present in your home that will determine if action should be taken to reduce the level to the EPA guidelines. Testing is the only way to accurately measure the radon level in the water and air. Radon testing is relatively inexpensive and can be done quickly.

A Citizen’s Guide to Radon